19 Apr 2022
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Guest Lecture - Job Oriented internship Opportunity | Invertis University


Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology in collaboration with Institutions of Engineers (IEI), Local Chapter, Bareilly organizing a Guest Lecture on Job oriented Internship Opportunity by Er. Sudhir Gupta ,Chairman, Bareilly Local Centre, Institutions of Engineers(IEI) in Seminar Hall 1 from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm ,Students of all branches from B.Tech third year were provided information about significance of internship & future scope of engineering.

Convener & facilitator of the programme Er.Awdhesh Kumar,Asst. Prof.(Civil Engg.) formally welcome & programme begin with lamp lighting & Vandana of Maa Saraswati by Vice Chancellor Prof.YDS Arya, Dean Engineering & Technology Prof. R.K. Shukla, all Engineering Branch’s HoDs & faculty members, invited guest Er.Sudhir Gupta, Chairman, IEI & IEI key dignitaries Subhash Mehra,Er. Suresh Chandra Sundrani, Er.Balvinder Singh Bajwa ,Er.M.K. Aggrawal & Er. Harpal Singh, Prof. Arya in his inaugural address discuss the significance of training & capacity building for a successful professional career, Prof. Shukla congratulate Department of Civil Engineering for timely organizing the lecture on such a relevant topic he welcome the eminent speaker & convey best wishes of Hon’ble Chancellor Dr.Umesh Gautam Sir to the participants, HoD, Department of Civil Engineering also encouraged the students & motivated the students to take maximum benefits from the vast experiences of the speakers.

In his session Er. Sudhir Gupta presented a brief overview of current employability status in India & also explained about the changed needs of the market, He interactively explained the need of professional skill enhancement & professional communication in getting the reputed job in the modern world, Er. Gupta also discuss the role of Institutions of Engineers (IEI) in providing job oriented industrial training to B.Tech third year students, he elaborated about the summer industrial training options available for core branch students of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Electrical & Communication, After his session an special session on entrepreneurship was delivered by Shri Suresh Chandra Sundrani, where he share his experience about entrepreneurship & motivated the students to use their skills & knowledge in strengthening the country,during the programme HoD EE/EC Shri Mon Prakash Upadhyay, HoD CSE Dr. Gaurav Aggrawal HoD Mechanical Anuj Kumar,& HoD Civil Engineering Shri Arvind Kumar provided valuable inputs to the students on branch specific need of the job & answered the query raised by students,in programme Shri Krishna Kant, Shri Kuldeep Kumar Soni,Shri Rizwan Khan,Shri Ankit Kumar,Dr. Basant Ballabh Dumka & Zeenat Bee add value, At the end of the programme Dean Engineering & Technology Prof.R.K. Shukla presented the memento to the invited speaker & Er.Awdhesh Kumar delivered the final vote of thanks & ended the fruitful session.


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B-186, Civil Lines, Opposite Bareilly GPO, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh - 243 001, India